I am EXTREMELY stressed out by the idea of animals that are being abused or mistreated in any way. I love animals so much and the more I get involved in animal cruelty awareness, the more I know about the inhumane ways they are treated. Animals are not objects, they are not unfeeling, they are not disposable. They think, they feel, they love, they adore, they desire human affection, they depend on human kindness, they are God' precious gifts to humans and it SICKENS ME that more people do not understand or care about animal welfare. I encourage everyone to dig deeper into animal cruelty case files, into the truth about animal testing facilities, into the lack of laws protecting animals who are beaten, killed, made to fight, raped, or starved to death. Our laws are deplorable, and need to be re-evaluated. Trust me, if you dig deeper, and actually educate yourself, you will never be the same. Yes, you will come face to face with some truly evil humans (monsters), but you will think twice about the way you live your life, and that's a good thing. Our animals depend on us. They are voiceless, and we have an obligation to speak for them.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." ~ Mahatma Gandhi