But, all of that boringness is peppered with some true times of fun with great friends. I have great friends who I met at church and have been growing closer to. I actually do have a social life full of dinners out, bouts of laughter, and truly funny moments (see evidence below).

Carrie, Trina, and I at Jungle Jim's market in Cincinnati Ohio. We were total geeks about all the great cheeses they had to offer.
July 2010 - Marquette Michigan at a Cajun restaurant with (left to right) my Uncle Todd, Aunt Julia, Mom, brother in law Roman, sister Stephanie, myself, and cousin Alex.
Dancing with my sister and Guy on new year's 2010. You just have to dance to NKOTB!
Roman, Stephanie, and I at a Michigan football game (well, we are walking to the game, at least)
Maybe I am just in a funk, but I have this overwhelming desire to just starting living. Surely, there will come a point where it gets easier, right? It’s like I am so focused on meeting all of my obligations that I forget that this life is flying by. I don’t want it to pass me by. Anyway, sorry for the random post, but that’s just where I am today.
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