Although this is not a specific memory, one of my favorite times in my life was when I studied abroad in Freiburg Germany. I was fortunate enough to spend my Junior year of college abroad, and it changed me in ways I never imagined possible. I loved the culture, the people, and the pace of life. I was home when I was in Germany, and know in my heart that I was happier then. Sure, I had my moments when I grew homesick, or when I had fights with my friends, but all in all, I was happier in Germany. It peaked my interest in different cultures, I learned to be even more adventurous than I already was, and I learned to appreciate the smaller things in life.
While in Germany, I was fortunate enough to be able to travel Europe fairly extensively. I still had classes, so I didn't get to see or do everything I would have liked, but I did see 9 other countries. Those countries are: Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, and Italy. It was an awesome experience and was one made possible only because I had parents who gave me the opportunity and fortitude to study abroad.
The photo above is of me at Schauinsland, the peak of Freiburg's local mountain. It was gorgeous from the top, and on clear days (like the one in the photo), you could see the Swiss Alps. Talk about gaining a deeper understanding of your position in this world!
I look forward to the day that I get to go back to Germany, it feels like home in ways I can't even express, but I look forward to walking my old streets, eating at my favorite restaurants, and seeing the home away from home again.