This is is Sam. He was my first cat. He was born in July of 2002 and is just a huge sweetheart. He was found by a shelter volunteer lying by the road in February of 2004 with several BB pellets in him, as well signs that he had been savagely attacked by another animal. He lost his eye because of infection, and still gets nervous when people tower over him, but otherwise shows no signs of the hard life he lived before I met him. He is such a great addition to my life.

This is Max. He was born in December of 2003. He has been with me as long as Sam has (except for the 4 hour delay between when I picked up and Sam and Max). Max is a polydactyl and has extra toes. His thumbs are the biggest my vet has ever seen! It is because of these large thumbs that he lost his eye. When he was a kitten, he scratched his own eye to such an extent that is had to be removed. It hasn't slowed him down any, and he craves attention just like any other Russian Blue! Such a joy to have in my life!

This is Annabelle. She was born in May of 2008. She is hands-down my biggest troublemaker, and my greatest source of entertainment. The predicaments she gets herself in, are fantastic, and her snuggles are the best. She used to live with another girl who decided to get rid of her when she acted too much like a kitten and attacked any/all toys, hands, feet, etc. Once she grew up a little, and had some proper training, she has become a love-bug and lap-cat. I am so grateful I was gifted with this cat everyday!

My latest and last (for a while) fur-baby is Zeke. He was born ~ in September of 2009. He was dumped outside by his previous owner, so I really don't know his birthday, but have been able to get pretty close based on his size and his behavior. As you can see, he likes to sleep in strange places, and has been known to appear in a number of crazy places... the tomato planter, the top of the bookshelf, under the bathroom sink, and on the refrigerator. I love his tenacity, and his enjoyment of life. The only thing that saddens me is the stress he feels when new people come into the house or when I move furniture. It hasn't hit him yet that I will not abandon him. I'm sure this will come, but in the mean time, he gets lots of snuggles.
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