She was listed by Reece's Rainbow as Oksana - not her real name, but one assigned to her in order to keep her safe. It's because of her, that I know that one day I will adopt a sweet little one just like her. But, I knew there was no way that I could be her mommy, since my life was pretty complicated at the time. So, I made it my mission to pray for her daily. And, I did.
I prayed that she would be safe in her orphanage, have enough food to eat, get to play with her friends, and that one of her caregivers would take extra special care of her. Most of all, I prayed that somewhere her mommy was looking for her. I prayed that she would get to know the love of a family. And, I prayed that it would happen sooner rather than later. Deep down, if I am honest, I wished it could be me. But, I knew that was selfish, and she needed a family so badly, that I prayed someone would step forward for her.
Why did she need a home so badly? It wasn't because of an idealized vision of every child having a home and a family. I do wish that for every child, but that wasn't it. The truth is, that Oksana had a very short window of time before she would be transferred to the mental institution. The statistics for children transferred to a mental institution are staggering. Most children with Down Syndrome, like Oksana, will spend their days in lay-down cribs being largely ignored by the staff. They receive very little food, very little stimulation, and many of them die within the first year of being transferred. So, to say I was desperate for sweet Oksana, is a complete understatement.
All through that Winter, the Spring, and this Summer, I prayed. I prayed that if it was God's will, He would provide a family for her. Those prayers were heartfelt and sincere, but they were sugar-coated. Then, last month (September), my prayers took a turn. I began pleading. I knew her birthday was in January, and at that point she could be transferred. I just couldn't let that happen, and short of me winning the lottery, I knew there wasn't a thing I could do - except pray. And I prayed, and I pleaded with God. I thought about her a lot, and wondered what would happen in January.
And, then the impossible happened.
Yesterday, October 20th, I scrolled on over to the Reece's Rainbow website and saw Oksana's picture listed in a different place. She was listed on the page titled, "My Family Found Me." Truly, truly a miracle from God.
I don't know who her family is yet, and they may decide not to go public. But, if they do, you bet I will be following along with her family on that journey.
Sweet Oksana has a home. God is good.
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