I am much more of a tv on dvd watcher than a movie watcher, but here are my favorite movies...
- Love Actually
- Titanic
- A Christmas Carol (the version done in the early 1980's)
- Run Lola Run
- Candyman
- Lean On Me
- Sixth Sense
- Chipmunk's Christmas
- Miracle on 34th Street
I guess that's it... I tend to like all movies when I watch them, but there are a precious few I will watch over and over again.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 6 = A Picture of Something that Makes You Happy

This sweet girl (the cat, not me) is named Tabitha and I took her in and found her a new home. She lived at the apartment complex where I used to live, and after months of getting her to come near me, I snatched her. She was extremely feral when I started with her. In fact, she lived in my bedroom away from my animals, and I was so afraid she would attack me in my sleep, that I slept on the couch. That said, after about 5 months, she found a forever home with a co-worker of my sister and she became quite the snuggle bug... and filled out pretty nicely as I've heard. :-) Sadly, there was another cat at that same apartment complex that I was not able to capture. I often remember Rufus, as I called him, and hope that he made it, although the life of a street cat is tough, so I am not overly confident in that outcome. Either way, through my patience, I was able to make a difference in the life of sweet Tabs-magee, as I used to call her. She was/is such a sweet cat who just needed someone to take the time to care for her.
Oh, and by the way, I did eventually get to sleep in my bed again, although it was about two months that I spent on the couch. She was worth it, though.
Day 5 = Your Siblings

We are 15 months apart, which meant she was one year behind me in school. All through high school we were typical sisters, fierce defenders of each other in public, all the while punching and kicking each other behind the scenes. Haha - if you think I am kidding, I'm not!
I can't imagine not having her around. She is the first person I call when I have news, and the sort of person I know I can always count on. We know that, no matter what, we will never turn our backs on each other, and I am infinitely lucky to have been born her sister.

Friday, April 22, 2011
Fur Baby Friday

I am going to start a new tradition and make every Friday "Fur-Baby Friday" where I post a sweet picture of one of my fur-babies. Here's Max. This was taken several years ago on a cold winter morning. Max loved that window (I've since moved), and he just looks so beautiful with the frost against his super soft fur. I love my Max-ie cat!
Day 4 = My Parents

These are my parents - Dale and Carol. I honestly have always been close to my parents and rarely go a day without talking to at least one of them. My mom is a tax accessor and my dad is a CNC machinist. They got married when they were 25 and 29 and are still married. They haven't always had the most peaceful relationship, but most of those problems have revolved around money - don't they all?
I am probably closer to my mom mostly because I am a mini-version of her. We both love to read, feel compassionate about animals, are Jesus followers, love to travel, and are strong, independent women. We tend to have the same views about the world, and strongly value each other's opinions. My mom is one of the only people who could succeed at getting me to change my mind. And I am the same for her.
My dad and I share interests too. We both like to watch sports, especially football, have formed an interest in gardening, love the history channel, and try our best to steer clear of an argument. Although we have clashed on topics, I think we at least respect each other enough to know when to hush up. :-)
My parents are my rock. I know they would do anything for me. It's nice to have that safety net, not that I use it all that much. I wouldn't be who I am today without them, and I am infinitely proud to be their daughter.
I am probably closer to my mom mostly because I am a mini-version of her. We both love to read, feel compassionate about animals, are Jesus followers, love to travel, and are strong, independent women. We tend to have the same views about the world, and strongly value each other's opinions. My mom is one of the only people who could succeed at getting me to change my mind. And I am the same for her.
My dad and I share interests too. We both like to watch sports, especially football, have formed an interest in gardening, love the history channel, and try our best to steer clear of an argument. Although we have clashed on topics, I think we at least respect each other enough to know when to hush up. :-)
My parents are my rock. I know they would do anything for me. It's nice to have that safety net, not that I use it all that much. I wouldn't be who I am today without them, and I am infinitely proud to be their daughter.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Day Three (Your first love)
Hmmm... well, honestly this is a tough one. I have thought I was in love several times, but then later discovered that it wasn't love, rather infatuation. Or, maybe even just liking someone a whole lot - haha!
I would say that the first (and probably only) person I ever truly loved was a guy with the initials BL. We lived in the same dorm my sophomore year in college and we got to be super close friends. In fact, most people thought we were actually dating because of the way we were always together and treated each other. I always insisted that we were "just friends," but eventually I realized that just wasn't true.
By the time I realized I was in love with him, though, it was "too late." I was leaving the next year for a year abroad and I didn't want to do the long distance thing. This was a huge mistake and I ended up confessing everything over the phone the next fall (calling from Germany). Well, he said he didn't want to start anything long distance and that was the end of it... until he came to visit me for 3 weeks the following Spring. At that point he was ready to start something, but I wasn't... that's how it always works, isn't it? The next few days were miserable with him treating me like crap and eventually we had a blow out fight where I had some pretty nasty things said to me. I kicked him out of my apartment that night (yes, I kicked him out in a foreign country).
Apparently he made it back to the States alright since I saw him the next year at a friend's party. We never really talked about what happened, mostly because he didn't want to, but we were able to exist in the same social circle that year. The summer after my senior year, I had a boyfriend who was a real jerk and was incredibly jealous of B. Basically, Mr. Oh-so-wrong didn't want me around him because he suspected I still had feelings for B. It turns out he was right.
The last night I was with Mr. Oh-so-wrong, we had a pretty nasty fight and he shoved me. That was the first and last time he ever laid a finger on me. But, in the heat of the moment, the only person I could think to call was B (who I hadn't talked to in a couple of months). B, who I would later find out had bronchitis and a 104degree fever, ran over and basically stared down Mr. Oh-so-wrong until he left my apartment.
After that, it was like everything was normal and we got to hang out and just be friends again. I definitely loved him, and I am pretty sure he felt the same. But, alas, I left after college, and we just sort of drifted away from each other. I am eternally grateful because I know what love is because of him. We never actually dated, never had sex, and never planned a future together, but we were in love and cared about each other in a way I have never since experienced.
I would say that the first (and probably only) person I ever truly loved was a guy with the initials BL. We lived in the same dorm my sophomore year in college and we got to be super close friends. In fact, most people thought we were actually dating because of the way we were always together and treated each other. I always insisted that we were "just friends," but eventually I realized that just wasn't true.
By the time I realized I was in love with him, though, it was "too late." I was leaving the next year for a year abroad and I didn't want to do the long distance thing. This was a huge mistake and I ended up confessing everything over the phone the next fall (calling from Germany). Well, he said he didn't want to start anything long distance and that was the end of it... until he came to visit me for 3 weeks the following Spring. At that point he was ready to start something, but I wasn't... that's how it always works, isn't it? The next few days were miserable with him treating me like crap and eventually we had a blow out fight where I had some pretty nasty things said to me. I kicked him out of my apartment that night (yes, I kicked him out in a foreign country).
Apparently he made it back to the States alright since I saw him the next year at a friend's party. We never really talked about what happened, mostly because he didn't want to, but we were able to exist in the same social circle that year. The summer after my senior year, I had a boyfriend who was a real jerk and was incredibly jealous of B. Basically, Mr. Oh-so-wrong didn't want me around him because he suspected I still had feelings for B. It turns out he was right.
The last night I was with Mr. Oh-so-wrong, we had a pretty nasty fight and he shoved me. That was the first and last time he ever laid a finger on me. But, in the heat of the moment, the only person I could think to call was B (who I hadn't talked to in a couple of months). B, who I would later find out had bronchitis and a 104degree fever, ran over and basically stared down Mr. Oh-so-wrong until he left my apartment.
After that, it was like everything was normal and we got to hang out and just be friends again. I definitely loved him, and I am pretty sure he felt the same. But, alas, I left after college, and we just sort of drifted away from each other. I am eternally grateful because I know what love is because of him. We never actually dated, never had sex, and never planned a future together, but we were in love and cared about each other in a way I have never since experienced.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day Two of my 30 Day Challenge
Day two asks about the name of my blog, I am going to repeat what I wrote last month...
When I sat down to start a blog I really struggled to come up with a title that really fit the purpose of my blog. I expected to write about adoption, friends, money, school, work and how all of those fit together in living as though there is more to this world than my personal comfort. Because the truth is, we are all called to live for more, to be His light in this world to those who are suffering and struggling. Thus, the name of my blog... It's About More Than Me...
When I sat down to start a blog I really struggled to come up with a title that really fit the purpose of my blog. I expected to write about adoption, friends, money, school, work and how all of those fit together in living as though there is more to this world than my personal comfort. Because the truth is, we are all called to live for more, to be His light in this world to those who are suffering and struggling. Thus, the name of my blog... It's About More Than Me...
Monday, April 4, 2011
Day One (30 Day Challenge)

Alright, so here's today's part of the blogging challenge..
Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts I am going to link back to my introductory post since it was just written 6 weeks ago... no need to re-write that part! But, here are my interesting facts:
1. I LOVE spicy foods. Seriously, I eat the hottest salsa, order my Thai food as "Thai Spicy" (which usually gets a follow up "are you sure?"), and I add hot sauce to just about anything I can think to. Love it!
2. I am terrified of needles. I have been known to kick the nurse, run from the nurse, hyper-ventilate, and cry... all within the last 5 years. Seriously, I am terrified.
3. My favorite color is yellow. I think this is because it reminds me of the sun and summertime.
4. The last two concerts I have been to are James Taylor and Snoop Dogg. I think this sums up my music interests pretty well... totally eclectic!
5. I totally need to see Australia before I die! Big Barrier Reef - yay!
6. I am slightly obsessed with reality television. I have no idea why, but it makes for some good people-watching!
7. I am a pescetarian, which means the only kind of meat I eat is seafood. Side note: I can usually tell when I am about to get sick because I will crave a Whopper. I usually respond by taking an iron pill, but what a strange thing to crave.
8. My favorite book of the Bible is Ephesians.
9. I am a super fast showerer. I was on swim team when I was younger and got used to showering in a few minutes. I can be in and out in 3 minutes and still get everything done that I need to. My water bill is really low! :-)
10. Tomatoes are my absolute favorite vegetable to eat. I usually have canker sores all over my mouth all summer from the acid, but it is totally worth it.
11. Despite my fear of needles (see #2), I somehow managed to get a tattoo. I have a Michigan "M" on my upper right shoulder blade. Did I mention that I am a UM alum? Love, love, love my Wolverines!
12. I am passionate about animals and get really upset when I hear about animals being abused.
13. I don't know for sure what color my hair really is. I swim too much, and have dyed it blonde and auburn so many times, I just don't know. I like being able to pick out my hair color! haha!
14. I gave up eating out for lent. It has been 27 days and I have 19 to go, not that I am counting. :-)
15. My favorite season is Summer. Gotta love all the sun, being able to swim outside, and not having to bundle up before I leave the house!
Thanks for reading!
30 Day Blogging Challenge...
So, I heard about a 30 day blogging challenge and thought it would be fun. The plan is to post everyday, but that probably won't happen. Haha! My goal is to get through all 30 at some point. :-)
Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts
Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3-Your first love
Day 4-Your parents
Day 5-Your siblings
Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7-Favorite movies
Day 8-A place you’ve traveled to
Day 9-A picture of your friends
Day 10-Something you’re afraid of
Day 11-Favorite TV shows
Day 12-What you believe
Day 13-Goals
Day 14-A picture you love
Day 15-Bible verse
Day 16-Dream house
Day 17-Something you’re looking forward to
Day 18-Something you regret
Day 19-Something you miss
Day 20-Nicknames
Day 21-Picture of yourself
Day 22-Favorite city
Day 23-Favorite vacation
Day 24-Something you’ve learned
Day 25-Favorite memory
Day 26-Picture of your family
Day 27-Pets
Day 28-Something that stresses you out
Day 29-3 Wishes
Day 30-a picture
Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts
Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3-Your first love
Day 4-Your parents
Day 5-Your siblings
Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7-Favorite movies
Day 8-A place you’ve traveled to
Day 9-A picture of your friends
Day 10-Something you’re afraid of
Day 11-Favorite TV shows
Day 12-What you believe
Day 13-Goals
Day 14-A picture you love
Day 15-Bible verse
Day 16-Dream house
Day 17-Something you’re looking forward to
Day 18-Something you regret
Day 19-Something you miss
Day 20-Nicknames
Day 21-Picture of yourself
Day 22-Favorite city
Day 23-Favorite vacation
Day 24-Something you’ve learned
Day 25-Favorite memory
Day 26-Picture of your family
Day 27-Pets
Day 28-Something that stresses you out
Day 29-3 Wishes
Day 30-a picture
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